Scrap the boring Sandwich Platter!

Serve up Shoop Soup, falafels, shakshookas for your office lunches and events, large or small. We supply the same delicious food served in our stores, in neat cool boxes ensuring freshness straight to your door. We can also build you a bespoke menu.


How to order?

To place a catering order we would request that you call our Tottenham St. store on 0207 637 7050. All orders totalling £80 and over qualify for free delivery within a 1km radius of our HQ. Should you have any questions or queries you can email us


Looking for something really special? we can create bespoke catering packages with unique dishes from scratch or with a twist from our menu. We require a 10-day minimum period to provide this package, please give us a call or email for further details.